Dine - What Your Cat’s Behaviour And Body Language Means

Photo by Lesli Whitecotton on Unsplash

What Your Cat’s Behaviour And Body Language Means

An elegant flick of the tail. A seductive rub against the ankle. A low crooning from the couch. Felines are expressive creatures by nature, using every means at their disposal to communicate their desires, contentment, and displeasure.

Understanding cat body language can deepen your feline bond and further transform your home into a sanctuary of luxurious harmony.

So, if you have ever asked, ‘why do cats knead?’, or been puzzled by your puss’s chirping, this cat body language guide is for you.


What their body language is saying

Cat body language is a fascinating insight into the feline psyche. Every paw swipe or strange eating habit reveals something profound about your pet.

Slow blinking

We all know this intimate gesture: a slow, deliberate blink from half-closed eyes that seem to gaze at you soulfully. In the cat body language guide, this is the feline equivalent of a kiss. Silent and private, this gesture signifies trust, affection, and can even be a wordless confession of love.


Cats’ scent glands are located on their heads which means that gentle nudges against your head or cheek are actually an affectionate way of marking you as ‘theirs’ (as if they needed to!) Cherish it as a powerful statement of ownership and love.

Rubbing against you

While an insistent rub against the legs is often our monarch letting us know it’s time for the royal DINE® experience, there is more to it than that. Rubbing is another form of scent marking. Tangoing around your legs, your cat is smothering you in their signature perfume, declaring smugly to the world that you belong to them alone.

Why do cats knead?

Lots of cat owners find themselves asking, ‘why do cats knead?’ This rhythmic pressing remains one of the most confusing examples of cat body language. 

Kneading harkens back to kittenhood when cats massage their mother's belly to stimulate milk flow. Kneading is a sign of contentment, comfort and, you could say, indelible proof of your pet-parent status.

Licking you 

Though licking is a form of grooming behaviour, don’t be offended; your cat’s not commenting on your hygiene. A cat licking you is their way of reinforcing your intimate bond. It symbolises affection and kinship, as they treat you to a cat spa experience.

Verbal communication

Though cat body language speaks volumes on its own, felines are equally expressive when it comes to communicating verbally.


The soft, rolling trill that escapes your cat's lips is a sound of joy and greeting. Often used by mothers to call their kittens, it's an irresistible way your pet may summon you, usually just to say hello.


A bird appearing outside can set off a series of unexpected, high-pitched chirps from your cat. Similar to a tail twitch, this sound conveys a mixture of primal excitement and frustration.


Yowling is a long, drawn-out cry that usually indicates distress or dissatisfaction. It could be due to pain, discomfort, or even loneliness and should be investigated if it continues.

Hissing and growling 

There should be no mistaking these clear sounds of warning. A hiss or growl is a cat's way of telling you they feel threatened or annoyed. Respect their space when you hear this.

Soundless meowing 

When a cat opens its mouth to meow soundlessly, what you are witnessing is a silent plea. This behaviour is designed to elicit your attention while not making a fuss.


Purring is often associated with contentment, but it can also signify anxiousness or pain. Use this cat body language guide to decode whether your cat is relaxed or seeking comfort.


How to respond to your cat’s communication

Given so much of cat body language is about conveying trust and intimacy, it’s important to reciprocate this. When your cat slow blinks, slow blink meaningfully back. If they headbutt or rub against you, gently stroke them to reinforce your bond.

Recognising and responding to your cat’s language will transform your relationship, making every interaction an elegant, pleasurable dance of mutual respect and affection. Explore more ways to connect with your cat with our Cat Care blog.


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